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Betsy Van Dyke Dressage Event

March 21 - March 23

Betsy Van Dyke riding

Betsy Van Dyke ridingBetsy Van Dyke, Dressage Trainer and Coach

Currently based in Wellington, Florida, Betsy Van Dyke has trained horses up through the dressage levels from Training Level to Grand Prix. From starting young horses, to dealing with specific training issues, to finishing the Grand Prix, Betsy has a knack for seeing each horse as an unique individual. She feels that each horse has a different story, and believes that understanding how they think is what best helps us to achieve harmony with them. Only when we understand how to communicate with them can we convey what we want them to do.

Betsy Van Dyke has trained many horses from Training Level through to Grand Prix. She has started numerous young horses and trained countless horses of various breeds, ages, and backgrounds to FEI dressage. Betsy is a USDF bronze, silver (2003), and gold medalist (2012). She achieved her gold medal on a horse she trained herself from Training Level to Grand Prix.


Betsy has worked with Catherine Haddad, Karen Lipp, Christine Traurig, Maryal Barnett, George Williams, Herbert Seinberl, Marius Schreiner, Michael Klimke, Christoph Koschel, Patrick Burssens, Ali Brock, Betsy Steiner, Caesar Torrente, and Oded Shimoni, as well as many others.

Instructor and Coach

Betsy is willing to work with riders just starting in their journey with horses, as well as advanced FEI riders. Betsy believes that “good riding is good riding,” regardless of tack, background, or breed of horse. Betsy teaches with the big picture in mind. She listens to where each rider and horse are currently, and helps them to formulate a plan to achieve their goals through great horsemanship. Betsy’s clinics around the country are focused on giving riders tools that they can use after the clinic to continue to progress. 

Betsy Van Dyke also has extensive knowledge in picking out horses to train to the FEI and regularly has sales horses. 

Contact details


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Payment is not required to secure your spot when registering online but is due 1 week prior to the event.

Sacred Dog Farm will be in touch with details once your registration payment has been processed.

Questions? Contact us!


March 21
March 23
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Sacred Dog Farm


Sacred Dog Farm
520 Scott Road
Oakham, MA 01068 United States
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